Set in Japan, the Wolverine anime follows Logan fighting to rescue his beloved girlfriend Mariko Yashida from the clutches of her crime-lord father, Shingen.
The anime is inspired by the original 1982 Wolverine graphic novel by writer Chris Claremont and illustrator Frank Miller. Similarly, the Wolverine anime also debuted in 2011 and ran for a total of twelve episodes as well. While simultaneously dealing with the scheming Inner Circle and the dangerous U-Men, the X-Men discover a disease affecting mutants' second stage of mutation - an anomaly that strangely appears to only affect mutants living in Japan. Set after the death of Jean Grey, who succumbed to the powers of the Dark Phoenix due to the influence of the Hellfire Club's Inner Circle, the plot centers around Professor X reuniting the X-Men to rescue the young mutant Armor from the organ-harvesting U-Men. The series ran for a total of twelve episodes and prominently featured superpowered mutants Cyclops, Wolverine, Storm and Beast. The X-Men anime originally premiered in 2011.